Aborted Fetal Cells
- Psalm 82:2 “How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
- 3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
- 4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.”
- Proverbs 24:11 “If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
- 12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?”
Recently, leaked Pfizer emails revealed Pfizer’s desperate attempt at hiding the mRNA testing they did on aborted fetal cells for their Covid shots. Why did Pfizer care? They assumed caring Christians would reject the shots. Disgustingly, many believers not only yawned at the revelation, but many of our leadership and messengers abroad have taken the shots and endorsed the shots…all for pragmatism of winning souls and saving lives…just not the babies’. We can’t say “Behold, we knew it not” (Pro. 24:12) anymore.
- -How long will Christians “judge unjustly” (Ps. 82:2). Believers are to only use God’s Word to answer all issues of life. Everything judged justly includes abortion-tainted shots, too. When you stand before God, which Scripture promises a reward for taking abortion-tainted shots? Our Just Judge has answers for everything in His Word, and will definitely judge all you do according to His Word (text; Jms. 2:12).
- -Why are Christians and our leadership on the side of and accepting “the persons of the wicked?” (Ps. 82:2) Those who accept and endorse abortion-tainted shots are on the same side as the liberals, George Soros, Joe Biden, the Clinton’s, the extreme Pope, and even Satanists! Which side are you on, believer and preacher?! “Accept” means “to lift….” When I present known facts and speak on medical issues from the Bible, some “lift” “the persons of the wicked” and their opinions above this preacher’s use of God’s Word. These same will also “lift” liberal “experts” in the scientific and medical communities above God’s Word. However, there are many “experts” in the scientific and medical communities that stand on God’s Word correctly in this area of aborted fetal cells. Why ignore the righteous “experts” over the wicked? Why “accept the persons of the wicked?”
- -The believer is responsible to “defend”, “do justice”, and “deliver” “the poor”, “fatherless”, “afflicted”, and “needy” “out of the hand of the wicked.” Murdered babies definitely count in this group. “The poor” is defined as “properly, dangling, i.e. (by implication) weak or thin….” The Bible also often mentions the murdering of “innocents” (Deut. 19:10; Jer. 2:34; 19:4). Meanwhile, Christians continue to accept the murder of our babies by accepting the mRNA shots of Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. Animal cells, adult stem cells, or umbilical cord stem cells could be used instead of baby stem cells, but the wicked industries continue using the aborted fetal cells as believers continue accepting them. The main way most believers can “deliver” these poor innocents “that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain” and “rid [means “to snatch away”] them out of the hand of the wicked” is to stop paying for, endorsing, and using anything associated with aborted fetal cells. Obviously, if you keep paying for, endorsing, and using products with, designed, developed, or tested using aborted fetal cells, the companies are going to continue murdering babies for their cells.
- -Are you aware how aborted fetal cells are obtained? Obviously, Christians are aware that babies are murdered…which I remind you is wrong. (Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17; Mt. 5:21; 19:18; Rom. 13:9) If baby parts are desired, abortionists perform D&C, dilation and curettage. The baby is killed in the mother’s womb with a loop shaped knife as each limb is disgustingly ripped from the living baby. Like filthy serial killers of the past, the baby’s parts are stored in a refrigerator unit. Were you aware that if it is a baby’s cells that are wanted, a baby (2-4 months gestation) must be born alive (“water bag method”)? Again, that is murder, and it is wretched. Horrendously, the poor, innocent baby is born alive and kept alive until the organs are harvested. The baby’s organs are removed while the baby is still alive and without anesthesia to keep the cells fresh and uncontaminated. Christians who in the past shuddered at such atrocious sins now either purposely tune these facts out or “cancel” you. Most preachers will not dare preach against the evils of aborted fetal cells. What makes us any different than China’s harvesting of organs from living adults?
- The murdered, nameless babies’ cell lines are numbered. A common one used with all 3 mRNA shots is HEK293. HEK293 was a girl by the way. Oh, and 293 is because 292 previous murdered babies didn’t make the cut.
- -Talking about which side you’re really on, are you familiar with Muti witchcraft in South Africa? In South Africa, where cannibalism is still legal and where child trafficking runs rampant, the Satanic Muti murder babies for their religious practices and (like us) medicine. Like murderous scientists and doctors of the West, the Muti believe the younger the child the better. Like us, they use the body parts for medicine. And also like wicked America and wicked China, the Muti remove the body parts while the children are alive. The reason for our murderous culture is to have the best product. The reason for the Muti is to have the best product, too, since they believe the torturous screams make the Muti more powerful. How can believers in Christ accept this whether it be witchcraft medicine or Western medicine? Are you aware that the “sorcerers” sent to hell in Rev. 21:8 (pharmakeus) and Rev. 22:15 (pharmakos) are from the word we get pharmacy, pharmacists, and pharmaceuticals? Modern day medicine produced from murdered babies by medical doctors is no different than old world witchcraft concocted from murdered babies by witch doctors. Oh, and by the way, the Muti religion and its murder of babies and children is recognized as a legitimate medical practice eligible for state funding (just like our abortion research). The saved would not accept ANY medicine made from murdered babies by Muti witches, nor should we accept ANY medicine made from murdered babies by pharmacists.
- -As Pro. 24:11-12 reminds us, the One Who “keeps thy soul” is very aware of how and if you “forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain.” “He that pondereth the heart” knows your excuses, your reasonings, your lack of Scriptural support for using and endorsing products with murdered baby cells, and he will “render to every man according to his works.”
- -Believers are very, very practiced at categorizing sins, and abortion is no exception. We say murdering babies is wrong, but then we categorize each type of abortion or how long ago the murder happened. Believers have become “corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” (II Cor. 11:3) Outside of Christ, the believer makes up many maze-like laws and subsets of sin. Believers are even now claiming, without biblical support, that the copied cells of a murdered baby are morally acceptable to God. Dear reader, there is not one copied sin that is acceptable. Copied CD’s of a rock song are still sin. Copied pictures of pornography are still sin. Copied curse words from a famous Hollywood film (yes, I’ve heard a movie’s curse words quoted from the sacred pulpit) are still sin. Sin is sin, and murder is murder whether the babies were killed in the ’70’s or today. (Although murdering babies for their cells and body parts still happens today. Don’t deceive yourself. No cell lasts forever. The cells need replaced, and they always get replaced by killing many babies until they find another perfect match.)
- –For those who excuse these sins because, “it is just a cell”, you sound just like pro-abortionists’ “its just a clump of cells.” A life is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14), and a baby is more than just a cell or just a clump of cells. Our marvelous Creator who makes finger prints and snow flakes unique from each other creates each cell’s DNA with the individuality and uniqueness of the baby it came from, including their strengths and weaknesses. Forensics backs the uniqueness of each person’s DNA. It is not just an aborted fetal cell. As long as the murdered baby’s cell line exists, the special creation and uniqueness of a real boy or girl exists.
- -Also, preachers and believers are acting like the mRNA shots are “amoral”; neither right or wrong. Brethren, we really need to get far away from this amoral junk. We use it for everything now. Without coming out and saying the word “amoral”, believers declare there is no right or wrong for their music, their clothing, their restaurants, masks, etc…. Brethren, every choice and every action is either right or wrong (Ecc. 12:14). Stop lying to yourself and others. God will render your works to you (Pro. 24:12).
- -Dear reader, you need to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God” concerning aborted fetal cells. (II Tim. 2:15) Research the products involving murdered baby cells. For too long, companies have been using aborted fetal cells for research, design, development, testing, and inclusion in various vaccines, cosmetics, and yes, even food. (Research “senomyx”.) And they will continue to do it as long as Christians stay silent and spend their money on such things. We must defend, do justly, and deliver these babies, not abuse them for personal health or pleasure.
- -Finally, please stop throwing vague scriptures at issues like this and hoping they will stick. I was recently given Rom. 14 concerning abortion-tainted mRNA shots. I have heard Rom. 14 misused for just about any and every issue other than those actually mentioned in Rom. 14! Please only use Rom. 14 (esteeming certain days or meats offered unto idols) whereto God sent it (Is. 55:11), and stop misusing and abusing it to deal with any topic you disagree with your brethren about. Scripture does not contradict itself, and “fully persuaded in his own mind” does not mean to do that which is right in your own eyes (Deut. 12:8; Judges 17:6; 18:1). As one recently mentioned to me, yes, there is a lot of confusion and disorder going on right now, but “God is not the author of” it (I Cor. 14:33). There is confusion to each Christian who abuses or misuses Scripture or makes excuses for sin or who travels through life believing truth is relative and constantly changing. But Bible believers are not confused. They use Scriptures only addressing matters as God addressed them, but they definitely use God’s Word to address each and every issue of life including church lockdowns, face masks, and unlawfully mandated, abortion-tainted shots. We will be judged by God’s Word on all of these matters (Pro. 24:11; Jms 2:12; etc…) so what does Scripture state expressly concerning each of these matters?
Dear friends, you may not have stood against abortion-tainted products, but you can change! This isn’t a social issue, this is a Bible issue. We keep begging for revival with hands drenched in sin (Jms. 4:8) and blood (Eze. 33:6, 8). And using anything tainted with the murder of babies is not helping our cause! There must be honest, scriptural repentance. Know, though, that there is a remnant around the world that is standing, and our family (Josh. 24:15) is standing, too! 🙂
- “Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these. Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his anger shall turn from me.” – Jer. 2:34