Medical Face Masks - Pt. 3
- II Cor. 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
God reveals in Eccl. 4:12 “a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” So here is a third important truth to remember about the believer’s body and mandatory masks.
From our texts we learn that everyone will give account one day for what was done in their body. Notice some thoughts:
- -Each person is responsible for “the things done in his body” and judged “according to that he hath done”. The excuse “I had no choice” is never acceptable. All have choices, we may just not like the choices we’re given or the consequences for our choices.
- -Each person is judged “according to that he hath done” and in this case according to “the things done in his body.” Mandatory masks deal with the body so the issue of mandatory masks is something that will be judged for each person.
- -God judges all “the things done in his body” as “good or bad.” Contrary to popular belief, there are not gray areas with God. There is either obedience to what He said or there isn’t; good or bad. What you do with mandatory masks then must be found within God’s Word of right and wrong. On this, make sure to read both “Medical Face Masks – Pt. 1” which shows God’s mention of facial coverings in His Word and “Love Your Neighbor” in the “They Say” series since that is often used by the lost and backslidden to mislead believers into sin.
Friends, “there is no new thing under the sun.” (Eccl. 1:9) Contrary to what some would have you believe, mandatory anything on your body is not new on this earth. Yet, only God has the Authority to command what should and shouldn’t be done to your body. And only you will give account at the day of judgment for what you chose to do in this area of masks. The fact that masks were mandatory cannot be used as an excuse. You still have a choice even if you don’t like the consequences.