Giving Life and Comfort by Your Stand
- I Thessalonians 3:7 “Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith:
- 8 For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.”
Our text comes from a letter Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church (I Thess. 1:1). The Thessalonian believers experienced “much affliction” (I Thess. 1:6) for their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Savior. Yet, these believers in Thessalonica were standing despite their heavy persecution. Paul himself and his companions, Silvanus and Timothy (I Thess. 1:1), experienced “affliction and distress” as well for their stand for Jesus. In our text, I Thess. 3:7-8, Paul reveals to the Thessalonian believers that the Thessalonians’ stand in the Lord did two things for Paul and his companions in their “affliction and distress”: their stand comforted Paul and his companions and the Thessalonians’ stand gave life to Paul and his companions.
When you stand for truth, our enemies (the devil, the world, the flesh) want you to only see hopelessness, defeat, and pain from your stand. Our enemies hide the power of life and comfort you portray to other believers when you stand in Christ for truth against sin. However, there is always a remnant standing for truth (Rom. 11:5), and your standing for truth definitely comforts and gives life to other believers who likewise are standing for truth. So, no matter how dark the night may seem to you nor how bleak the future may appear, please know, dear reader, that your stand for truth is never in vain. God always has a remnant around this globe standing for truth. And your stand, even though you most likely aren’t aware of its impact, is comforting and giving life to other believers standing for truth as well! 🙂